Ship Blueprints

Structure Elements (SSC):

Structural element count = volume / 21, rounded down. This is the number of SSC materials needed for the ship.

Volume of Components:

The volume of each component seems to be consistent regardless of the other blueprint choices on the ship:

Cargo bay volume. Upon investigation, the volume of each cargo bay is the capacity in m3 * 1.05, rounded up.

Cargo Bay Volume (m3)
T 105
VS 263
S 525
M 1050
L 2100
HL 1050
HV 3150

FTL Tank Volume can be determined exactly, because it’s possible to build an STL ship without an FTL tank. (assuming no tank contributes no volume)

FTL Tank Volume (m3)
None 0
Small 3
Medium 9
Large 21

STL Tank relative volume can be determined exactly, but since we can’t build a ship without any tank, the absolute size of tanks is unclear. Starting with an STL Small tank of 70m3 produces some nice round numbers.

STL Tank Volume (m3)
Small 70
Medium 196
Large 480

FTL Engine Volume can be determined exactly, relative to the no-drive scenario:

FTL Engine Volume (m3)
None 0
Standard 126
Quickcharge 133
High-power 243
Hyper-power 253

The STL Drive can’t be removed, so consider these to be relative volumes. In this case they are optimized to account for all remaining volume on the ship, since this is the last volume-affecting component. The made up volume could be divided between the small STL tank and the Standard engine, however.

STL Engine Volume (m3)
Standard 239
Fuel Saving 238
Glass 238
Advanced 452
High-power 456

Mass of Components

Mass of components is not consistent- it changes based on your other design choices.

How much mass is added for each cargo bay, depending on your fuel tank size?

Cargo Bay With two small tanks (m3) With two Med tanks
T 0 0
VS 83 72
S 213 203
M 448 428
L 883 873
HL 548 ?
HV 1199 1179

Other oddities regarding mass of tanks vs. cargo size:

tank size Tiny Very Small Small cargo Med Cargo Large Cargo HV HL
STL Fuel Med 76 76 76 66 66 56
FTL Fuel Med 16 15 16 16 26 16
STL Fuel Large 410 409 245 260 251 205 251?
FTL Fuel Large 52 52 52 52 62 52 52?

Note that as the cargo bay gets larger, the tanks sometimes add more mass, and sometimes add less mass.

Component sizes:

Do the sizes of indivual ship components adjust the mass and volume of the ship by the same amoutn when installed? Evidence points to no, component mass/vol is irrelevant to ship size.

Build time:

Build time = Operating Empty Mass / 50

Emitter count:

The source code lists some numbers, but there’s no obvious way to apply them correctly.

FTL_VOLUME_SPAN 250 500 1000

The dev blog suggests:

For a ship to be able to perform FTL jumps in our PrUniverse, it has to surround itself with an FTL field. This field is created from a number of emitters placed on the ship. Each emitter can span a certain volume. Now, for the first iteration of ship building, ships will just have to have a set number of emitters that together span at least the ship’s total volume. (source )

But the emitter requirement doesn’t simply add up to the Span numbers. They also don’t line up if you assume they are radii or diameters of spheres.